Anyone who has stuck with a workout routine understands how big of a challenge it can be to get up and go to the gym every single day. It can feel gratifying knowing that you were able to stick to a gym program. As you watch the pounds drop way, you feel happy with your continued results. However, many people reach a point where their weight loss slows down. They may be lighter as far as what the scale says, but they are still left with pockets of fat in the very areas that they wanted to trim up.

For most people, this includes their love handles. No amount of diet and exercise is going to be able to make your love handles disappear. You need to take steps to contour your body.

There are a lot of surgical and nonsurgical body contouring options. Unfortunately, nonsurgical procedures are very limited in the results they can offer. They usually offer minimal results and require multiple treatments. Conversely, procedures like liposuction provide quick and long-term results. During the procedure, Dr. Sands will remove fat deposits that are broken up using a cannula. After the procedure, you will need to follow recovery guidelines covered by our medical team.

It is important to say that liposuction is not an overall weight loss solution. Those that qualify for liposuction must be healthy and maintain a stable weight.

There are so many benefits of using liposuction to address your love handles. The results of liposuction can be long-lasting, as long as you maintain a healthy lifestyle after the procedure. You will have noticeably smaller love handles that look trimmed and contoured without looking like you had extensive work done. The results are natural-looking.

Dealing with love handles can be disheartening. However, thanks to procedures like liposuction, you can address your love handles in a safe and efficient way. Our board-certified surgeon at SANDS Aesthetics & Plastic Surgery will analyze your love handles and your medical history to determine if you are a good candidate for liposuction. If you are, you can look forward to a slimmer waist for years to come. To schedule a consultation, you can contact our office in Metairie. We also happily serve clients in New Orleans and the surrounding areas. There’s no need to deal with your stubborn love handles any longer. Come in today to make an appointment at SANDS Aesthetics & Plastic Surgery!

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